Comic Art & Graffix Gallery

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Biographies of the Stars

Tim Sale

Born in Ithica, NY on May 1 1956, this versatile artist's first comic work was for warp Graphics'Myth Adventures in 1985 as an inker.

Influenced by the likes of Will Eisner, Jack Kirby and Jim Steranko, and a big fan of Batman his current projects include Batman:Long Halloween and Superman:For All Seasons.

The picture above was taken at the Comic Art & Graffix Gallery booth at the San Diego Comicon in 1997. (You can find me there every year in booth #1800-1802. I've been there for years and years.)

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* Ron Pussell, Incline Village, Nevada. It is in no way connected with the COMIC ART & GRAFFIX GALLERY, Virtual Museum and Encyclopedia, or Richard Halegua.

This site created & maintained by Graffix Multimedia


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